Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sorry been living life...

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile! So far still taking the wonderful shots that give me bruises all over my belly! I've noticed now when I run into something I bruise so much easier as well. I thought how I sure hope I don't fall on my face! I'll look horrible! I've also noticed that I bleed more and easier. I hit my finger last night on the door latch in the door frame and what normally probably would have just been a little knick bled and bled and bled through my band-aid! It's so wonderful - NOT!

I go in once a month to have blood drawn to make sure I ovulated and I also get a progesterone shot just in case. Where they draw the blood bruises and the cotton ball they tape on has way more blood on it than before I took Lovenox and got blood drawn.

I started Clomid this month too... So far I've had not trouble ovulating this is to just help things along. We're being more aggressive this month. Most people say Oh Clomid will make you so moody and emotional - not me! You can ask Brian too, he will agree. I think the only side affect I had was waking up in the middle of the night having a hot flash. Had to get some water as I was so parched as well.

Well that's about all for now! I'll try to keep this more up to date!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Almost Passed Out!

The other night Brian gave me my shot and as soon as he poked me I felt a little light headed. As soon as he pulled the shot out I had to quickly sit down. I then sat with my head between my legs for a few minutes. It was not fun, thought I might puke as well! Brian was a sweetheart though and got me my water and helped me walk to the bed to lay down. I did walk all hunched over - kind of reminded me of my 31st birthday when I left the bar! Ahh good times all around!

That Hurt!

So Brian gave me my shot as usual and oh did it hurt! I think he hit a vein so it bled as soon as he pulled the needle out and the next morning there was already a small bruise. I even cried! He said, that right side just doesn't seem to like this!

So we have decided to not do the heart or smiley face on each side. It sounded like a great idea but after being stuck a couple times, it's easier to just find a spot and stick it.

I've had to give myself the shots the past couple of nights. Brian cut lose on Friday night and had some cocktails - there's no way he's sticking me with one eye open and his hand moving in circles! ;)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

So Proud!

Brian gave me my shot of Lovenox last night and he did so great! The one I did has now left a bruise...his still doesn't have a bruise. Brian may be giving me the shots from now on, I like not having bruieses all over my chicken poxed looking belly!

So here's how it went...
I tell Brian it's time, he says he's nervous so I suggest he sit down (and here I'm the one getting the shot!). He gladly does and sticks me with the needle. He then says 'Ok I think I'm gonna throw up now!" he was so nervous, it was so cute and funny! Oh and he didn't really have to throw up...

I also have a pill box, it's great fun being me right now!

Just livin' the dream!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

So it's been decided.....

We will start making pictures with my lovenox shots! ;) On one side of my belly we're going to make a heart and on the other side we'll make a smiley face. Just a little something to make it 'fun' if you can call it that. Plus we can alternate to make it a little easier for me and hopefully I won't bruise...too bad!

Lovely Lovenox

I started my Lovenox shots on Monday... it stung! I did my first one by myself yesterday and showed my husband how to do it. I think he's going to enjoy sticking me with a needle sometimes! It still hurt the second time around! My mom said she'd kiss it for me but then added the disclaimer that as long as it wasn't on my ass she would! She was glad to know it was on my tummy. She's two hours away so either ways she's not kissing it!